BAM. Foreign currency exchange rate against the DH

Here are the rates of foreign banknotes established by Bank Al-Maghrib for the day of Wednesday January 5, 2022:

Buy Currency Sell

1 EURO 10.1181 11.7589

1 USA DOLLAR 8.95400 10.4060

1 CANADIAN DOLLAR 7.04600 8.18860

1 STERLING POUND 12.1180 14.0820

1 BOOK GIBRALTAR 12.1180 14.0820

1 SWISS FRANC 9.78460 11.3710

100 DANISH CROWNS 136.040 158.100

100 SWEDISH CROWNS 98.5680 114.550

100 NORWEGIAN KORNS 101.150 117.550

1 SAUDI RIYAL 2.38350 2.77010

1 KUWAITAN DINAR 29.5850 34.3830

1 DIRHAM WATER 2.43780 2.83320

1 RIYAL QATARI 2.45920 2.85800

1 DINAR BAHREINI 23.7510 27.6030

100 JAPANESE YEN 7.72030 8.97230

1 RIYAL OMANI 23.2880 27.0640


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