Sturm Graz player Otar Kiteishvili is out due to injury for the autumn

Sturm Graz-Spieler Otar Kiteishvili fällt verletzungsbedingt für den Herbst aus

© Sportreport

Georgian midfielder Otar Kiteishvili played in the UEFA Europa League match against PSV Eindhoven on Thursday injured right ankle.

Immediately after the game, several tests were carried out that revealed a crack of the syndesmosis tape. Kiteishvili will already be operated on on Saturday, so he will not be available to SK Puntigamer Sturm Graz for the remaining games in autumn.

“Otar is one of our most important offensive forces and his failure hurts us all a lot. We hope that the operation will go well and that he will come back quickly. “, Says Sport’s managing director Andreas Schicker.

Kitei, the entire storm family wishes you a speedy recovery! #comebackstronger

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SK Sturm Graz


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