BANCA Transilvania: What an IMPORTANT Message for Clients It Sent at the Beginning of 2022

BANCA Transilvania Mesaj IMPORTANT Clienti Transmis Inceput 2022

BANCA Transilvania starts the year 2022 with an extremely important message that targets its customers from all over the country, and if you are among them, you should to know what the bank is saying at the moment. Specifically, BANCA Transilvania talks again about the very big problems generated by phishing attacks for customers all over Romania, and this is because, just like in other cases, it is about protecting people’s money.

BANCA Transilvania asks its customers to never forget the fact that its employees do not request by email, SMS, messages on social networks, etc., confidential information that should not be disclosed except in a bank agency. BANCA Transilvania says that the personal data of its clients are completely secure, and that the emails that Romanians receive are sent at random, but it is possible that they have already received emails regarding bank accounts where you do not have any cont.

BANCA Transilvania also reminds us that it is not a good idea to access the links that are sent to us via emails, SMS- or social networks, and that’s because they can be malicious. Those links may direct us to unknown websites that are most likely clones of BANCA Transilvania websites, so the information we enter in them most likely goes directly to the servers behind the phishing attacks.

BANCA Transilvania also has a special page on its website that talks about these issues, so you can go there to find out more about methods of protection against this type of problem. Of course, you have to understand what BANCA Transilvania explains in order to be able to protect you as effectively as possible against the attacks that are launched during this period, and not only in Romania, but all over the world.

BANCA Transilvania tries to help its clients who become victims of such attacks, but it does not always manage to do so so that people can recover their money, for example.

Note: This article has been indexed to our site. We do not claim legitimacy, ownership or copyright of any of the above content. To see the article at original source Click Here

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