Bar with mysterious text discovered during renovation of Drenthe farm

Wednesday October 6, 2021, 13:33 )

During the renovation of their farmhouse, Leo van Kampenhout and his wife came across two historic beams. But what does it say, can you read it?

“We deciphered two words: ‘Saint’ and ‘Maria’, but the rest…” Leo van Kampenhout and his wife are busy renovating at their farm in Alting, Beilen. Due to the scarcity of building materials, the two ended up at a second-hand timber merchant in Hardenberg from whom they bought the beams.

Five words

They are nine meters long and have a diameter of 40 centimeters at the widest point. Five words are engraved on the side with curly letters. The owner thinks it is historical and perhaps even from the Middle Ages.

“According to the timber merchant, the beams come from an old farm in Germany. It is of course a bit strange that you have a beam in a farm that has an inscription in it. Inscriptions are usually found in churches or in government buildings. His theory was that the texts still come from a German church. That church is probably about 1800 demolished and that when the beams in the farm were used.”

Difficult handwriting

Kampenhout and his wife bought the parental home of Kampenhout’s parents. They threw it all over the head. “I sometimes say: we are not renovating, but it is a renovation,” says Kampenhout. “We want to make the house far more sustainable so that it is future-proof.”

They still have time to look carefully at the beams didn’t have. Plus, the beam hangs at a height of two meters and that doesn’t make it any easier. “The letters are just very difficult to read. That has partly to do with the handwriting. Plus that the wood is also weathered, it also crumbles a bit. We don’t know what it says at the moment.”

For those who have tips or the answer to the riddle, Kampenhout is recommended.

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