Barrie real-estate company receives top spot in Canada from Re/Max

‘We reached No. 1 as a team, and what’s most important to us is that we celebrate as a team,’ says Peggy Hill


The Peggy Hill Team has been synonymous with Barrie real estate ever since Hill started her career in 2003, and for the second year in a row has ranked No. 1 overall for Re/Max in Canada.

Worldwide, the small but mighty team sits at No. 2, scaled against a whopping 8,600 independently owned Re/Max franchises in more than 110 countries and territories, according to Re/Max annual report in 2020.

Even more impressive is the fact that this hometown team outranked Toronto’s Re/Max heavy hitters, which is quite the feat considering they serve a market 17 times the size of Barrie.

“There is no shortage of busy real estate teams across Re/Max, and I’m very proud that my team continues to deliver in the company of such worthy competitors,” said Hill.

The Re/Max Awards and Recognition Program not only honours those who excel in real estate achievement, leadership, and productivity, but also those who are committed to their community.

For years The Peggy Hill Team has held true to this standard, and it’s Hill’s commitment to people that has long set her apart from other real estate professionals.

Known for “keeping it real,” Peggy Hill and her team have made real strides in giving back to the community they serve. Peggy Hill’s team donated $100,000 in support of a new YMCA community hub in Barrie, and just last week her bid to acquire the naming rights to what is now the Peggy Hill Team Community Centre became final. For the next eight years, funds from the purchase will go toward the community centre’s operating budget, offering welcome relief to taxpayers.

Earlier this year, Hill drew media attention by kicking in the first $10,000 towards securing a permanent warming centre in downtown Barrie.

More importantly, Hill challenged her fellow realtors to step up and contribute what they could.

“Realtors have not been financially affected by this pandemic and I think we should be the ones helping out the people that have,” said Hill of the initiative.

The online fundraiser remains open to anyone in a position to give back.

“Real estate is about people, not housing,” she insists when asked what contributed to her team’s success. “When I started this company, I never imagined this kind of recognition. I just knew that I wanted to create a business that redefined industry standards without losing sight of what’s most important.”

With plenty to commemorate, a low-key event is in the works for Hill and her hardworking team once the nicer weather hits.

“We reached No. 1 as a team, and what’s most important to us is that we celebrate as a team.”

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