Be alert, smoking can be a trigger for brain bleeding

ILL brain hemorrhage suddenly became the center of public attention in the country after being suffered by comedian Tukul Arwana. But you know, there are many causes of brain bleeding, one of which is straining or better known as ngeden. This condition is usually done by many people when defecating or holding their breath when coughing.

Quoted from the page

Healthline, Sunday (26/9/2021) Some things promote the development or rupture of an aneurysm or bleeding in the brain. A study in the journal ‘Stroke American Heart Association’ concluded that the following factors can trigger brain haemorrhage:

Also read: Recognizing Brain Bleeding, Causes Arowana Flaws Are Suddenly Taken to the Hospital

– Excessive exercise

– Consumption of coffee or soda

– Straining while defecating

– Frequent anger

Info grafis pendarahan otak seperti dialami Tukul Arwana. (Foto: Okezone)

Brain haemorrhage can affect anyone, but people with atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) are at high risk of experiencing it.

The Brain Aneurysm Foundation also states that brain hemorrhages are most common in people aged 35 to 60 years. Women are said to be more likely to suffer from aneurysms than men because of low estrogen levels after menopause. If a brain haemorrhage runs in close family, then your risk of having it is higher.

Also read: Experienced by arowana hammers, these are 10 symptoms of brain bleeding that are appropriate Caution

The other risk factors related to cerebral hemorrhage include:

– Older age

– Drug abuse, especially cocaine

– Alcohol abuse

– Congenital problems affecting artery walls, such as Ehlers-Danlos syndrome

– Head injury

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