Beat the sex doldrums: These six tips will ensure more sex in the relationship

Sexual aversion to no sex at all in the relationship or marriage – this is no exception. Maybe you are in such a situation yourself.

If so, you are not alone. But you can keep the fire of eroticism burning in long-term partnerships . It is important to pay attention not only to closeness, but also to distance.

Find out what fulfills you and is good for you and then do it.

That affects your Radiance, your self-confidence grows and you naturally create an interesting aura around yourself – a good weapon against sexual aversion.

Book tip: Sex in a relationship: How important is it really?

Eye and body contact with the partner are also important for an everyday life that is as sensual as possible.

A smile, a hug, a tender kiss – all of these can promote tingling between the couple and also end the sexual listlessness in marriage or relationship.

Quality-Time or separation on time

Experts agree: It It doesn’t matter how much time the partners spend together, but what quality this time has.

And it should have a permanent place in the everyday relationship, for example an appointment for a conversation once a week.

Picture gallery: 9 tips for more pleasure in bed

Everyone can say what is on his mind or what concerns him, the other listens. Then the other way around. It can also be activities that one undertakes – the main thing is that the partners have the opportunity to exchange ideas.

If the quality of the relationship is already so poor that the sexual displeasure is based on psychological causes, then it can actually make sense to separate for a while.

You have the chance to find yourself again, to see the positive sides of your partner and, if necessary, to work on personal problems in peace.

The distance often increases sexual pleasure in the partner. However, the opposite can also happen. Namely that you only really recognize the advantages of being alone and the problems with your partner.

Six tips for more sex

Are sexual listlessness in marriage or the relationship is not based on any deeper relationship problems, but is only a symptom of routine, then try the following six things:

  1. A date with your partner: When you two no longer have sex the relationship, date each other like it’s a flirt. Dress up and meet him in an interesting place.
  2. Sex Talk: Talk openly about eroticism and sex. Say what you like and what slows you down.
  3. Common Friends: Couples who share friends or hobbies tend to find each other more attractive. Coming home together after a sociable evening can increase the desire for sex.
  4. Stay curious: You can also be creative with sex. What is allowed is what both feel comfortable with.
  5. Remain calm : No more sex in the relationship can also be related to excessive pressure. Couples who are not stressed about the frequency of sex can indulge each other better. So the pleasure is not suppressed by bad feelings.
  6. Sex is a minor matter: It sounds paradoxical, but it is true. Partners who do not attach great importance to sex and accept that it is not the most important thing have surprisingly more sex than people who chase after the erotic.

Reading tips:

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