Ben Affleck believes he wouldn’t be successful without Matt Damon’s support

Ben Affleck doesn’t think he would have been able to have a successful film career without the support of his childhood pal Matt Damon.

The Argo director met The Bourne Identity star, who is two years older, when he was eight as they lived near each other in Cambridge, Massachusetts and they later attended the same high school. The firm friends helped each other pursue their acting careers and famously share the Best Original Screenplay Oscar for 1997’s Good Will Hunting.

During a profile for Entertainment Weekly, Affleck told Damon, who interviewed him, that he doesn’t think he would have been able to navigate his career and fame without his childhood pal having his back through the ups and downs.

“I don’t know that that would’ve been possible for me alone, doing this job in this world without somebody I grew up with who I loved, who I knew loved me and had my back, who believed in me, and whom the popularity of my movies or what people said about me wasn’t going to change what they thought about me,” Affleck gushed.

“This friendship has been essential and defining and so important to me in my life. There were a few critical times, which are private and I don’t want to share, but where your support was so profoundly meaningful to me that I don’t think I would’ve been able to be successful without it.”

Damon deflected the compliment by joking about their Zoom interview setting before adding they’re in “a fan club of one for the other”.

They both signed off the interview by telling the other “I love you”.

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