Ben Affleck Recaptured the Fun of Playing Batman on The Flash After ‘Difficult’ Justice League

It seems like no one had a particularly good time making Joss Whedon’s version of Justice League — Ben Affleck, who has donned the iconic cape and cowl for Batman’s more recent cinematic adventures, among them. Things seem to be getting better, though.

Speaking with Variety during a recent event, Affleck said that he had fun reprising his role as Batman for The Flash, the new DC Extended Universe film due next year. At least, he had more fun than he did filming Justice League.

“It was a really nice way to revisit that as the prior experience had been difficult,” Affleck said. “This was really lovely. Really fun.”

Affleck also joked that he was probably under “some gag order I’m not even aware of” and that he would be sued at any moment. He also praised some of his co-stars while mentioning Aquaman star Jason Momoa. “I love Ezra and I had a chance to see Jason, who’s over [in the United Kingdom] making ‘Aquaman [and the Lost Kingdom],'” Affleck said.

First announced back in 2014, The Flash has been in development for a long time now. It not only features Ben Affleck but Michael Keaton, who will play an older Batman from an alternate universe.

In an interview earlier this year, Keaton admitted to being somewhat confused by how it was all supposed to work. “I had to read it more than three times to go, ‘Wait, how does this work?'” Keaton said. “They had to explain that to me several times.”

At least everyone seems to have had a good time.

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As for Justice League, the release of the Snyder Cut earlier this year dredged up plenty of negative feelings from its cast. Ray Fisher, who played Cyborg, said he would need an apology from WB to consider playing the character again. Meanwhile, Wonder Woman actress Gal Gadot said that Whedon threatened to harm her career while making the film.

One way or another, most of Justice League’s cast seem to be doing better these days. We’ll see how that translates to The Flash when it releases on November 4, 2022.

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