Ben Gvir: “Calls on Netanyahu not to accept the plea deal”

Arie Yoeli , Knitted News 15.01.22 21:33 13 Bishvat Tishpev

בן גביר:

Netanyahu Ben Gvir (Yonatan Zindel / Flash 90)

Chairman of Jewish Power MK Itamar Ben Gvir calls on Benjamin Netanyahu Do not accept the plea deal , against the background of reports that Netanyahu has begun negotiations with the State Attorney’s Office for a partial admission of the charges in exchange for a reduced sentence.

According to Ben Gvir, “a plea deal for Netanyahu is not the carrot, but the stick and after they crushed, defamed and the entire legal and media system conducted a delegitimization campaign against him in constant persecution, offer Netanyahu the stick he can hold on to, so that he does not continue with an exhausting show trial.”

More on the same topic

Aharon Barak served as a mediator in Netanyahu’s plea deal


According to Ben Gvir, a lawyer by profession, it appears that from the accumulated evidence, Netanyahu has a good chance of being eligible. “I understand Netanyahu’s heart and feeling that the court should not be trusted, but anyone who sees the evidence understands that in order to convict Netanyahu, he must do eighths and flips in the air. I call on Netanyahu to continue to fight for his innocence.”

The person who will mediate the plea deal is former Supreme Court President Aharon Barak, who received a request from Netanyahu and transferred it to Mandelblit. The difficult dispute between the parties is over the question of disgrace. Netanyahu demands that he not be disgraced in the plea bargains, while the State Attorney’s Office is not prepared to waive the clause.

And what will happen in the case of a plea bargain

His personalities and those of his family. “The persecution here, is a national persecution and the thwarting is against a right-wing prime minister, but whatever he decides in the end we will appreciate and understand.”

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