Benefits of feeling stress, from the bad to the good

Much is said about the negative consequences of going through periods of stress , such as insomnia, anxiety and tension, however, the benefits of feeling stressed are rarely made known, as it is time to take the good from the bad.

When a person feels threatened or is running some risk is when stress appears, feeling that you do not have time and wanting to fully comply with Your obligations of work, mother, partner and even looking for self-love can cause certain imbalance.

You can read: Stress and more consequences of using the cell phone for a long time

But do not be so mortified, that from time to time dealing with episodes of stress does not hurt, although if you must look for the methods In order not to lose control, take into account that when you feel stress you can activate your survival mode .

What happens is that when you feel on the edge of the limit, the heart races and the nervous system as well as the endocrine are activated, in this way there is a moment of resistance where the body reinforces its hormones and even produces more carbohydrates and the stored ones are released.

It is not the best way to lose weight but you can certainly experience a loss with stress significant, stress helps the body to generate antibodies to stress that can be mistaken for a disease, that’s why the body reacts and you Immune system improves.

For this to happen without a doubt you must have a healthy body, which eats healthily, drinks plenty of fluids and does sports or physical activity. Similarly, it has been stated that stress can make us stronger psychologically.

Benefits of feeling stress, from the bad to the good. Photo: PEXELS

Going through traumatic or stressful events can unleash all your mental strength and you will even learn to deal with your emotions, look for new outlets, perspectives and if you externalize it, you can even strengthen family ties or with friends.

When stress is not chronic, you can go from anguish to optimize the functioning of the brain , the body already knows how to react to an alarm and before being stunned by the impression, it does what it has learned and it is easier to get out of the moment of tension.

Therefore you have to show the body how is that you must respond when you feel stress , from the minimum trait that you present, you have to take care of it, although there are numerous benefits of going through accelerated circumstances it is also true that It is better to look for the keys to control our emotions.

Note: This article has been indexed to our site. We do not claim legitimacy, ownership or copyright of any of the content above. To see the article at original source Click Here

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