Biden Gets Confused Again, Makes up an Imaginary Lake

Joe Biden visited the Lake Erie shoreline in Ohio Thursday to talk about how his infrastructure law would affect the Great Lakes.

He cut his visit there about 12 minutes short, suggesting he had to rush back to Washington to deal with the situation in Ukraine. He said he thought there might be an invasion “within the next several days.” That’s an update from when they thought it would be by Wednesday.

From NY Post:

“The reason they tell me I’ve got to head out — I hadn’t planned on going immediately — is because the weather going back to Washington and there’s a little thing going on in Europe right now,” Biden said after speaking for about 20 minutes in Lorain, Ohio.

Biden didn’t shorten the trip by much. He was scheduled to depart Cleveland at 1:45 p.m. and Air Force One lifted off at 1:33 p.m., meaning he left Ohio about 12 minutes earlier than planned.

But, it isn’t Biden who’s going to Europe to deal with the Ukraine problem; it’s Kamala Harris who headed out on Thursday to the Munich Security Conference, where she will meet with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and NATO leaders. This raised eyebrows even with reporters, that Biden wasn’t going, according to the NY Post. Biden claimed that he was the guy with the big foreign policy experience (well, being always wrong is ‘experience’).

So, why isn’t he the guy going, when he says an invasion is imminent? And where was Biden rushing off to? Likely back to veg out in Delaware for the weekend, as he has done for most weekends that he has been in the White House.

“Every time I get a chance, I go home to Delaware. You think I’m joking, but I’m not,” he told the audience in Ohio.

Biden in Ohio: “Every time I get a chance, I go home to Delaware. You think I’m joking, but I’m not.”

— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) February 17, 2022

“The good news and the bad news,” Biden creepily whispered, “Everyone knows you.”

During his remarks, Biden demonstrated exactly why they might be sending Harris to Europe rather than him. He talked about his old hangouts when he went to Syracuse Law School, and about being a lifeguard on Lake Oswego. Except there is no “Lake Oswego” there, so that couldn’t possibly be true.

“At my old hangouts as well. I went to Syracuse University. I was a lifeguard on Lake Oswego and I know the Oswego River up in New York.”

Not sure what lake he was a lifeguard on, but there is no Lake Oswego in New York (but to his credit, there is a river).

— Tommy Pigott (@TommyPigott) February 17, 2022

Imaginary lake? Add that to the imaginary arrests, home runs, being a tractor-trailer driver, and talking to dead Amtrak conductors. Joe Biden has a very vivid fantasy life.

Then at one point, Biden seemed to become confused and lose track of what he was saying, once again. Biden has a ‘tell’ (or a cover) when that starts to happen. His fallback is ‘I’ve been talking too much, so let’s move on.’ You can see him resort to that here.

When you haven’t prepped for a presentation and have no idea what you’re talking about…

— Tommy Pigott (@TommyPigott) February 17, 2022

Then, as he finished his brief remarks and started to head out, he blew off wearing a mask yet again, even though the White House is still pushing that kids in schools should be masked.

While forcing masks on toddlers, Biden mingles with people while not wearing a mask.

— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) February 17, 2022

He wants it imposed on your kids, as he completely blows it off and can’t even be bothered to feign adherence to his own rules.

Every time Biden opens his mouth with foreign leaders, he is in danger of creating an international incident — which is likely why they didn’t send him. Not that Harris is much better. But, as bad as Harris might be, they likely think she’s not as far gone as Biden at this point. Biden just can’t stop opening his mouth and inserting his foot.

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