Bill approved in second discussion to eradicate sexual abuse in children

This Wednesday during the ordinary session of the National Assembly the second discussion of the Bill for the Prevention and Eradication of Sexual Abuse Against Girls, Boys and Adolescents was held, which was approved by the majority of the parliament.

Deputy Asia Villegas highlighted that this project was consulted with the Child and Adolescent Protection System and, after the consultations, we were able to conclude that it is a strategic issue and important for the national population.

He indicated that more than six thousand public consultations demonstrated the sensitivity of Venezuelan citizens to combat the scourge of sexual abuse perpetrated against children and adolescents ceasing to be a taboo subject in society.

He added that the Law has 22 articles, “it is a crime that occurs in families and generates complicity and the complaint is not made because of what represents a violation of human rights. ”

For his part, the deputy o Yorkman Aguilar Diaz called for the creation of public policies to eradicate sexual crime in children and adolescents, he assured that it is necessary that Venezuela be at the forefront in criminal matters, in that case.

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