‘Birdie Wing: Golf Girls’ Story’ Announces Additional Cast, Ending Theme Artist

The official website of the Birdie Wing: Golf Girls’ Story original television anime announced on Friday nine additional cast and the ending theme artist. The anime is scheduled to premiere in April 2022.

Rose Aleon: Toa Yukinari (Grand Blue)
Ichina Saotome: Saki Fujita (Working!!)
Kinue Jinguji: Mai Nakahara (Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Comedy wa Machigatteiru.)
Mizuho Himekawa: Yukari Tamura (Steins;Gate)
Kaede Oikawa: Yuu Kobayashi (Kekkai Sensen)
Kaoruko Iijima: Mao Ichimichi (M.A.O.) (Platinum End)
Kuyou Iseshiba: Satomi Arai (Seitokai Yakuindomo)
Vipère: Kaori Nazuka (Akame ga Kill!)
Haruka Misono: Rina Satou (Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon Crystal)

Vocaloid composer Tsukuyomi is performing the ending theme “Yodaka.”

Takayuki Inagaki (Chio-chan no Tsuugakuro) is helming the anime at Bandai Namco Pictures, with Yousuke Kuroda (2.43: Seiin Koukou Danshi Volley-bu) in charge of the series composition. Koutarou Nakagawa (Cross Game) and Hironori Anazawa (Scarlet Nexus) are composing the music.

Source: Official Twitter

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