Bishop of the Universal Church is accused of sexual harassment in churches in Brasília

Igreja Universal do Reino de Deus
Universal Church of the Kingdom of God

The Civil Police of Brasília received last Thursday on Thursday (23) a news-crime in which a witness narrates sexual crimes allegedly committed by Bishop Wagner Negrão, of the Universal Church of the Kingdom of God. Another witness narrated the same facts in a representation registered with the Public Ministry of the Federal District on Tuesday (28). The information is from Carolina Brígido, columnist at UOL, and Kleyton Amorim, from
. The two witnesses are men, faithful of the church, who prefer not to identify themselves. One of them, located by UOL, said that he heard the report of women he lived with at Universal and, touched by the stories, he decided to go to the authorities and asked for help from lawyer Valéria Paes Landim, who works in the defense of women’s rights. The text filed with the Civil Police and the Public Ministry is the same and was written by her. Searched by the report by Through the press office, Universal stated that, based on the complaint brought, “it is gathering information to rigorously ascertain the truth of the facts.” The church, however, stated that it “is not aware of, or has been notified of, the existence of any charge, proceeding or investigation against Bishop Wagner.”

Wagner Negrão has been a member of Universal for 35 years. He performs services on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays at the Asa Sul temple in Brasília. Eventually, he also preached in Taguatinga, an administrative region located about 25 kilometers from the federal capital. According to one of the faithful heard by

, the alleged crimes took place in both churches. Two other faithful confirmed the information.
Answer from Universal
In the note sent to the report
, the church states that, “without knowing the names of the accusers and the exact dates of the alleged episodes, the Universal official doesn’t even have the means to defend himself to prove his innocence. If, at first, it is not possible to question the testimonies that
collected from the alleged victims, it is likewise unreasonable for such a serious indictment to be published without the accused knowing who incriminating him.” The documents with the accusations are public and the UOL
, at the request of the victims, maintains the anonymity of the people who made the reports to the article. Read the full note of Universal: “At first, we emphasize that Bishop Wagner Negrão has been in the Universal Church of the Kingdom of God for over 32 years and throughout from that time, there was never any news of any act or conduct similar to that reported by
UOL. Based on the complaint brought, Universal is gathering information to accurately ascertain the truth of the facts. However, some questions arise from the report that the journalist brings: – Universal is not aware of or has been notified of the existence of any accusation, proceeding or investigation against Bishop Wagner;
– bishops and pastors, under the guidance of the Church, are obligatorily accompanied by their wives or other officials for assistance;

– as responsible for the Universal of the Federal District, Bishop Wagner Negrão carries out ecclesiastical work in the cathedral, which is the headquarters of the church in the locality;
– without knowing the names of the accusers and the exact dates of the alleged episodes, the Universal official does not even have the means to defend himself to prove his innocence. If, at first, it is not possible to question the statements that UOL collected from the alleged victims, likewise, it is not reasonable for such a serious accusation to be published without the accused knowing who incriminated him. Finally, it is important to highlight that Bishop Wagner conducts, at Universal do Distrito Federal, a thorough internal investigation against misconduct by former pastors involved in a known financial pyramid and that he has been threatened since he denounced the crimes committed by this gang to the local authorities.

If the

actually publish a report on these very serious accusations, without the accused can defend himself properly _ and can know who the accusers are, if they are people to whom the bishop has already had access_, we ask that these clarifications be published in full and prominently, without embarrassing other remedial measures that may be ad oted. UNIcom — Universal’s Department of Social Communication and Institutional Relations” Source: UOL

Note: This article has been indexed to our site. We do not claim ownership or copyright of any of the content above. To see the article at the original source Click Here

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