Black Myth Wukong: Bishui Golden-Eyed Beast Boss Fight Guide

Bishui Golden-Eyed Beast is a boss located in the secret area of Chapter 5 in Black Myth Wukong. If you manage to reach here, you will realize the boss does a lot of fire-based attacks, and most part of the ground is also covered in lava as well, which all makes the boss fight a tough encounter to beat. In this guide, I have mentioned all the attack patterns of the Bishui Golden-Eyed Beast and how to beat the boss in Black Myth Wukong.

Bishui Golden-Eyed Beast Attack Patterns

Black Myth Wukong - Bishui Golden-Eyed Beast boss ataacking a player
Source: GameScience via Gamepur
3-hit smash comboThe boss unleashes a 3-hit standard combo smashing you via the fists.
3-hit ground poundThis is an aggressive 3-hit combo where the boss uses both arms to ground pound three times in a row.
Ranged Ice BreathThe boss charges his mouth for a second and sends forward an ice breath. The attack spans for a few seconds.
Bite Grab AttackAt any given time, the boss mixes all attacks with a charged mouth-grab attack. The attack can be dodged but not blocked or deflected.
Ice WaveThis is a miniature version of the ranged ice breath. The boss only hurls an ice wave in a single direction.
Ice RocksThe boss at times hurls 2 or three stone rocks at you from a distance.
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Secret Stone Entrance

Black Myth Wukong - A player fighting Bishui Golden-Eyed Beast boss
Source: GameScience via Gamepur

Bishui Golden-Eyed Beast can use fire or ice-based elemental attacks. However, to trigger the boss’s ice-based attacks, you will first need to access the secret boss arena that is beside the ice stones.

For this, when you jump into the boss fight, make sure you run straight and stand near the ice stones. Then let the boss attack you, and if you dodge successfully, there are high chance that Bishui Golden-Eyed Beast’s attacks have broken the ice stones.

If you see an opening, then you must go through it and continue running till you reach Bishui Golden-Eyed Beast’s second boss arena. Here, the boss will switch its elemental powers from fire to ice, making the Bishui Golden-Eyed Beast boss fight much easier to beat in Black Myth Wukong.

Best Strategy to Beat Bishui Golden-Eyed Beast

Black Myth Wukong - A Chill Transformation attacking Bishui Golden-Eyed Beast boss
Source: GameScience via Gamepur

Now that the boss has transformed from being a fire monster into an ice one, using fire-based transformations such as the Red Tides will deal massive damage. You must use the Immobilize spell as much as possible at the boss to cease its motion, attack to build Focus Points and deal massive damage quickly.

Dodging the ice-based attacks is also easier than the fire-based attacks. However, if you have mastered the Resolute Counterflow attacks, then seeing-through attacks will help you deal damage without worrying about the incoming attacks.

You must also use the Spirit, Vessel, and duplicates as early as possible and let them recharge for the next use. That is because the boss runs through the arena a lot and it will take some to catch up to it and deal damage. In short, the boss fight takes time as you get a limited window to strike the boss before he distances himself from you.

Black Myth Wukong - Bishui Golden-Eyed Beast boss is defeated
Source: GameScience via Gamepur

Continue attacking while being careful not to get the Chill status effect and you will beat the boss in a couple of minutes. It seemed impossible for me to beat Bishui Golden-Eyed Beast when he was using the fire-based elemental attacks. However, when I switched to this method, I defeated the boss in my first attempt.

That is pretty much everything I had to mention about the Black Myth Wukong Bishui Golden-Eyed Beast boss fight guide. Before you go, why not consider checking out our Order of all the bosses in Black Myth Wukong, how to beat the Yellow Wind Sage boss, and Black Myth Wukong Spirit Transformations Tier list guides?

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