Boolean Gyeonggi-do Lee Jae-myung 55.34%, Lee Nak-yeon 33.62% [Graphic News]

클릭하거나 확대하면 원본 이미지를 보실 수 있습니다.Click or enlarge to see the original image. Along with the Democratic Party’s presidential primary, on the 2nd day before the 2nd Super Week, Gyeonggi Governor Lee Jae-myung’s dominance did not stop. In Busan, Ulsan, and Gyeongsangnam-do, the governor also won a majority with 55.34% (19,698 votes), far ahead of Lee Nak-yeon, who recorded 33.61% (11,969 votes). Former Justice Minister Choo Mi-ae received 9.74% (3468 votes) and Rep. Park Yong-jin received 1.30% (461 votes).

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