Boris Johnson urged to drop ALL Covid restrictions after Prime Minister ‘lost credibility’

Boris Johnson hits out at anti-vaxxers spouting ‘mumbo jumbo’

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The Prime Minister wants compulsory mask-wearing, working from home, and vaccine passports to stay in place for another three weeks after data showed a record one in every 15 people in England had Omicron on New Year’s Eve. Tory MPs have been riled by the Prime Minister’s decision and have insisted that restrictions must be dropped while hospitalisations and deaths are low compared to previous variant spikes.

In a poll of 1,310 Express readers, held from January 5 to 6, 71 percent of voters said the UK should scrap Covid restrictions fully, while 27 percent said it should not, and two percent were not sure. One reader commented on the recent Christmas party scandal in which members of the Conservative party attended parties during the lockdown.

They said: “Johnson and his government really cannot ask everyone else to obey lockdown anymore after what they have done as they have lost all credibility.

“They still think it was perfectly okay for Johnson and co. to ignore the lockdown rules they had set, while tens of millions of Brits were obeying them at great personal sacrifice, many under very difficult and tragic circumstances.”

Another reader, Mark, said: “Of course he should we’ve lived on our knees for far too long. I’ve had three covid jabs, one flu jab, plus a shingles and a pneumonia jab, if that’s not enough what is?”

Boris has stood strong against opposition to Plan B

Boris has stood strong against opposition to Plan B (Image: Getty)

But others were not so convinced that dropping all restrictions would be wise, with one person questioning: “Why would you scrap isolation with a highly contagious virus?”

When asked if isolation rules should be scrapped for all, 55 percent of voters said yes, 26 percent of voters said only the vaccinated should not have to isolate, and 18 percent said the rules should not be scrapped.

One voter, Gareth, said: “Fully vaccinated and boosted should have no restrictions at all, no isolation, nada.

“Unvaccinated must take a LFT test at least three times a week with a PCR when required, as well as mandatory seven day isolation if they test positive.

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Boris visits a vaccination centre

Boris visits a vaccination centre in Northampton January 6 (Image: Getty)

Covid statistics 05/01/22

Covid statistics 05/01/22 (Image: Getty)

They added: “The unvaxxed should have proof of a negative test less than 24 hours old whenever they go into any public space. This is fair, and antivaxxers can still demonstrate their right to be not jabbed.

“There should be no penalties for companies in the private sector who want to part ways with staff who refuse vaccinations.”

But Ben P and others did not agree, he said: “It’s simple – the only place you should require a vaccine passport is to enter is a hospital.”

A majority of voters, 66 percent, said all travel restrictions should be lifted and border testing scrapped, whilst 30 percent said they should not be, and four percent were not sure.

What’s your take? Have your say in the comments section below.

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