Botoșani problems before the match with Sepsi »Two players were detected with COVID -19

Article by – Published on Friday, 21 January 2022 20:47 / Updated on Friday, 21 January 2022 21:16

FC Botoșani received bad news before the first match of the year, the one with Sepsi Sfântu Gheroghe. Two of the players are coronavirus positive.

years) and the striker Mateus Santos (23 years old).

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For Marius Croitoru it is a huge loss Pap , this being his basic holder in the goal. His place in the match with Sepsi will most likely be taken by Mario Contra.

Mateus is not a loss for Botoșani, the Brazilian is not one of the players that Croitoru relies on.

University of Craiova, big batch problems due to coronavirus

CS Universitatea Craiova is in a desperate situation before the resumption of the championship. The club funded by Mihai Rotaru tried to postpone the match with Rapid, due to the outbreak of Covid-19 that hit the group.

Dan Nistor, the leader in the middle of the field, was found positive last night and will certainly be missing in the dispute with Rapid. Antoine Conte, Ante Roguljic and Lyes Houri will not be part of the group either, being injured. The Frenchman was confirmed with the initial diagnosis, a torn ligament in his knee, and will need surgery.

Another unavailable is Atanas Trica. He will not be released until the match. The headaches continue for Reghecampf. Nine of the footballers tested positive returned to training yesterday and will enter against Rapid with a single active training session:

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