BPS: Jember 0.09 Percent Deflation Triggered by Chicken Egg Prices

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID,JEMBER — The Central Statistics Agency (BPS) noted that Jember Regency, East Java, experienced a deflation of 0.09 percent in September 2021, which was triggered by falling prices eggs chickens.

“Commodities that contributed the most to deflation were eggs. purebred chicken, cayenne pepper, beef, tomatoes and shallots,” said Head of Statistics Distribution BPS Jember Candra Bhirawa in an online press statement at the local BPS office. , Friday (1/10).

The price of chicken eggs at the Jember traditional market had dropped from Rp. to IDR 16,000 per kilogram due to the abundant supply of eggs from the egg-producing regional center in Blitar. In September 2021, Jember Regency experienced a deflation of 0.09 percent with a consumer price index (CPI) of 106.35 percent, then the calendar year inflation rate and the year-on-year inflation rate of Jember Regency in September 2021 each experienced inflation.

Of the eleven expenditure groups, he continued, five expenditure groups experienced inflation, two expenditure groups experienced deflation, and four expenditure groups were stable. He said the expenditure groups that experienced the highest inflation were equipment, equipment and household routine maintenance at 0.24 percent; followed by the transportation group by 0.16 percent; and the housing, water, electricity, and household fuel groups by 0.10 percent.

the highest deflation was in the food, beverage and tobacco category by 0.52 percent; and the sports and cultural recreation group by 0.01 percent. In September 2021, in eight CPI cities in East Java, all cities experienced deflation. The highest deflation occurred in Banyuwangi Regency at 0.16 percent; followed by Probolinggo City by 0.14 percent; Surabaya City by 0.13 percent; Sumenep Regency by 0.11 percent; and Madiun City by 0.10 percent.

Then, Jember Regency and Kediri City each by 0.09 percent , and the lowest deflation occurred in Malang City at 0.02 percent and East Java experienced deflation at 0.11 percent.

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