Canary Islands: another 3,500 housebound after the eruption

Canary Islands: others 3,500 housebound after the eruption

The situation in La Palma is getting worse: read the latest updates

Canarie: altri 3.500 costretti in casa dopo l'eruzione © EPA

Another 3,500 people were confined to the house in La Palma, at Canary Islands, theater of the emergency caused by the eruption of Cumbre Vieja volcano . According to reports from El Pais, the measure is determined by the deterioration of air quality, with high levels of toxicity caused by the impact of the lava with the sea water. These are the first restrictive measures in the areas of Los Llanos de Aridane. In recent days another 4,600 inhabitants have been forced to stay at home.

Vulcano Canarie, i VIDEO spaventosi dell'eruzione a La Palma

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Canary Volcano, the scary VIDEOS of the eruption in La Palma

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