Caribbean nations recognize Celac's efforts for regional unity

Antillean nations today recognized the efforts of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (Celac) to achieve greater regional unity and promote joint work in favor of development.

During the XXII Summit of Ministers of Foreign Affairs of CELAC, which is held in Argentina, which this Friday received the pro tempore presidency of the bloc, representatives of Caribbean countries highlighted the role of Mexico in its previous leadership for its coordination of strategies to face the economic challenges and the pandemic in the area.

They also praised the work of the regional mechanism to lead to dialogue and the commitment of nations beyond political and ideological differences.

They also expressed their confidence in advancing together with Celac in achieving greater health coverage in the towns and more access to anti-Covid-19 vaccines in this context of Covid-19 pandemic.

They celebrated the bloc’s position to defend the territorial sovereignty of nations and oppose any element that affects it.

The Caribbean nations supported Argentina in its cause for the sovereignty of the Falkland Islands, territory usurped by the United Kingdom, and expressed their conviction that the new leader of Celac will continue the efforts for the progress and unity of the area.

For its part, at the opening of the pro tempore presidency of the mechanism, Argentina proposed 15 points to work on in the coming months, between These are the post-pandemic stage, spatial cooperation, advancing in the deepening of educational integration, institutional strengthening, democracy and the anti-corruption agenda and promoting regional connectivity, among others.

The Argentine Foreign Minister, Santiago Cafiero, considered that the Community is a forum tailored to the region, an area in peace, where integration is not a technocratic mechanism but a tool based on popular sentiment.

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