Carlos Vecchio rejects the possible deployment of a Russian military structure in Venezuela

Vecchio, El Nacional
The Venezuelan opponent Carlos Vecchio. Photo: EFE/ Mauricio Dueñas Castañeda

Carlos Vecchio, Juan Guaidó’s ambassador to the United States, rejected on Thursday a possible deployment of Russian military infrastructure in Venezuela, something that Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Riabkov did not rule out hours before.

«Instead of contributing to the recovery of Latin America in the post-pandemic era, the Russian government seeks to transfer its conflict from Europe to the Americas» , wrote Vecchio on Twitter.

Riabkov affirmed this Thursday to the Russian international television channel RTVI that the United States and NATO said no to Russia’s demands for security guarantees. And he ruled out an early resumption of negotiations with the West.

In fact, the Russian diplomat said that «the main problem is that the United States and NATO are not willing to make any concessions of any kind on the key demands of NATO’s non-enlargement. As well as the deployment of infrastructure of the alliance and its return to the limits of 1997».

When asked about Moscow’s response measures, did not rule out the deployment of military infrastructure in Cuba and Venezuela.

«I do not want to confirm nothing, nor rule anything out,” Riabkov said.

Vecchio’s message was a reply to that comment, which also picked up on the social network.

Instead of contributing to the recovery of Latin America in the post-pandemic era, the Russian government seeks to transfer its conflict from Europe to the Americas. This is unacceptable for Latin America

— CARLOS VECCHIO (@carlosvecchio) January 13, 2022

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