Cashback for reusable nappies could help cut landfill

A push to get new parents away from purchasing disposable nappies could see incentives offered for reusables.

With an estimated 15 million nappies going into Canberra’s landfill each year, cashback for parents who turn their noses up at disposables could form part of an ACT waste management strategy.

The Standing Committee on Environment, Climate Change and Biodiversity opened an inquiry for submissions from this week until September 26, ahead of developing solutions to the stinky polluters.

Canberra residents have been asked to contribute their expertise on cutting waste, recycling solutions and ideas for policy and regulatory change.

Committee chair Marisa Paterson said nappies and other disposable hygiene products had a significant impact on landfill.

Dr Paterson said, with new alternatives to single-use products becoming available, the committee would consider ways to encourage their use.

Other jurisdictions already offer incentives for the uptake of reusable nappies, with several councils reimbursing 50 per cent of the cost, encouraging parents to make the switch.

Dr Paterson said the inquiry would also look more broadly at childcare settings, as well as aged care and disability care, to see what support or incentives might be required.

She said babies produced around a tonne of single-use nappies a year, however, switching to reusables could be expensive and daunting.

“Nappy waste is a big contributor to overall waste and so are a whole lot of other absorbent hygiene products,” she said.

“The Environment Committee is starting by asking, ‘how do we actually address this? What are the barriers? What are the challenges?’

“Other jurisdictions have looked at this and there’s lots of innovative things going on. We’re beginning a comprehensive inquiry into this in the ACT.”

Currently, no commercial composting facilities in Canberra can process compostable nappies, meaning they still produce methane as they break down.

Transport Canberra and City Services is currently in the process of developing a circular economy strategy for the ACT, which will outline ways to move away from single-use goods to recycling and upcycling.

The facility, with the expected capability of processing an estimated 50,000 tonnes of organic material per year, is a major commitment to waste and recycling for the ACT.

Marisa Paterson supports a transition to reusable nappies across the territory. Picture: Matt Loxton

Alex Crowe

Alex covers science and environment issues, with a focus on local Canberra stories.

Alex covers science and environment issues, with a focus on local Canberra stories.

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