Cat-themed token on Solana soar over 120% in 24 hours

The “Cat in a dogs world” token is rising even after airdropping 5% of its total supply to dog-themed meme coins.

The cat-themed token MEW rose over 120% in the last 24 hours, data aggregator CoinGecko points out. Holders of two other famous Solana-based meme coins, WIF and BONK, received 5% of MEW’s total supply. The token price sits now at $0.00511, and its over $470 million market cap makes MEW the biggest cat-themed token.

MEW is the ticker for “Cat in a dogs world,” which is a reference to the fact that the most popular meme coins are all dog-themed currently. The crypto community on X was quick to embrace the narrative, with personalities like Arthur Hayes and Meltem Demirors posting about buying MEW.

I went into the kitty litter tray and found $MEW

Meow bitches. 😘😘😘😘😘

— Arthur Hayes (@CryptoHayes) March 29, 2024

However, the white cat has a long fight ahead if it wants to flip dog-themed coins. According to CoinGecko, the total market cap of dog-themed meme coins is almost $59 billion, which is 3,000% larger than the $1.9 billion total market cap of cat-themed tokens.

Nevertheless, MEW’s effort might bring a ‘cat season’ soon. Data from decentralized exchanges aggregator DEX Screener shows that 6 out of 20 most popular tokens created in the last 24 hours on Solana are cat-themed.

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