Celebrity hairstylist Jawed Habib apologises after spitting on a woman’s head; NCW seeks legal action

Celebrity hairstylist Jawed Habib dominated Twitter trends on Thursday after a video of him spitting a woman’s head went viral on social media. Several Twitter users called out Habib for his act which happened during a workshop in Uttar Pradesh’s Muzzafarnagar. Later, the hairstylist issued an apology through a video message.

Celebrity hairstylist Jawed Habib apologises after spitting on a woman’s head; NCW seeks legal action

In his video, Jawed explained that such things are often done with a humourous intent during workshops. He also issued a sincere apology to all those who were hurt because of the incident.

“Some words spoken by me during my seminar have hurt a few people. I just want to say one thing these are professional workshops, as in, they are attended by people from within our profession. When these sessions get very long, we have to make them humorous. What can I say? If you are truly hurt, I apologise from the bottom of my heart. Please forgive me, I am sorry,” Jawed Habib can be heard saying in the video.

In the said viral video, Jawed Habib is seen styling a woman’s hair in front of the audience who had arrived for the workshop. While explaining, he is seen spitting on the woman’s hair and said that if there is a shortage of water, one can use their saliva. The hairstylist laughed over it and a similar reaction was seen from the audience.

Meanwhile, The National Commission for Women  (NCW) on Thursday said that its chairperson Rekha Sharma has written to the UP Director General of Police (DGP) seeking action in this regard. “The commission has taken this incident very seriously and not only condemns this in strongest possible words but also seeks your urgent intervention in the matter to investigate the veracity of this viral video for immediate action as per law/procedure,” the letter reads.

@NCWIndia has taken cognizance of the incident. Chairperson @sharmarekha has written to @dgpup to immediately investigate the veracity of this viral video and take appropriate action. The action taken must be apprised to the Commission at the earliest.https://t.co/3wPS2Lavyt

— NCW (@NCWIndia) January 6, 2022


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