Celine Dion Loses Control of Muscles Amid Stiff-Person Syndrome Battle

Celine Dion’s Sister Shares Heartbreaking Health Update

Celine Dion‘s health condition is progressing.

One year after sharing she was diagnosed with stiff-person syndrome, the singer can no longer control certain body movements, according to her sister Claudette Dion.

“She doesn’t have control over her muscles,” Claudette told 7 Jours, via translation from French. “What breaks my heart is that she’s always been disciplined. She’s always worked hard. Our mother always told her, ‘You’re going to do it well, you’re going to do it properly.'”

She noted, “It’s true that in both our dreams and hers, the goal is to return to the stage. In what capacity? I don’t know.”

In May, Celine canceled her Courage World Tour due to the rare neurological disorder, which can cause painful muscle spasms and stiffness.

“I’m so sorry to disappoint all of you once again,” the 55-year-old wrote on Instagram at the time. “I’m working really hard to build back my strength, but touring can be very difficult even when you’re 100%. It’s not fair to you to keep postponing the shows, and even though it breaks my heart, it’s best that we cancel everything now until I’m really ready to be back on stage again.”

According to Claudette, their sister Linda has been living with Celine in the Las Vegas area as she receives care from doctors who specialize in stiff-person syndrome.

And although the Grammy winner focuses on resting, she was recently able to spend quality time with her 22-year-old son René-Charles and 13-year-old twins Nelson and Eddy, who she shared late husband René Angélil. Celine and her sons headed to the hockey arena Oct. 30, stepping out to watch the Montreal Canadiens take on the Vegas Golden Knights.

Daniele Venturelli/WireImage

In footage posted online, Celine was seen meeting with coach Martin St. Louis and posing for a group photo.

“It’s such an honor to meet you,” she told him, via translation from French. “It was an incredible night.”

Keep reading to see more moments between Celine and her kids.

(Photo by Lester Cohen/BBMA2016/Getty Images for dcp)

Award Show Duo

Rene-Charles Angelil helped present his mom Céline Dion with the Icon Award at the 2016 Billboard Music Awards in Las Vegas.

(Photo by Steve Granitz/WireImage)

Mother-Son Moment

The pair posed for photos with the singer’s award in May 2016.


Holiday Time

“May this holiday season bring all of you the gifts of love, peace, good health,” Celine wrote on Instagram in Dec. 2020 alongside a photo with Rene-Charles and twins Nelson and Eddy, “and the promise of brighter days in the New Year ahead!”


Mother’s Day Celebration

“Who’s having the best day today, me or the kids?” she captioned this group Instagram photo in May 2021. “What a privilege it is to be a mom! Happy Mother’s Day! Enjoy every moment…Can it get any better than that ? To be continued All my love, Celine xx…”


Family Time

The following year, the Grammy winner shared a new photo with her and late husband René Angélil‘s three sons.


Hockey Game

“My boys and I had such a fun time visiting with the Montreal Canadiens after their hockey game with Vegas Golden Knights in Las Vegas Monday night,” she wrote on Instagram Nov. 1, 2023. “They played so well, what a game!! Thank you for meeting us after the game, guys! That was memorable for all of us. Have a great season! – Celine xx.”

Ethan Miller/Getty Images for AEG Live/Concerts West

A New Day

She hugged her husband Rene and son Rene-Charles after the end of her Las Vegas show “A New Day” at The Colosseum at Caesars Palace in 2007.


Disney Dreams

The threesome smiled at the Happiest Place on Earth during a Disneyland trip in 2007.

Ethan Miller/Getty Images

Newborn Love

Celine waved to the crowd during a 2011 moment in Las Vegas after the arrival of their twins.

Lyle Stafford/Getty Images

Trip to Montreal

In 2001, when their eldest son was 6 months old, the couple visited Notre-Dame Basilica in Montreal, Quebec.

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