Check Mac and Cheese Recipe, Easy and Filling!

MAMA Lita is back with cooking content on her YouTube channel. Something was different, this time Mama Lita was accompanied by her two sons to cook mac & cheese.

Mac and cheese or macaroni and cheese is a popular American menu that is often served as a delicious home-cooked meal. Al dente pasta combined with savory melted cheese certainly produces a very delicious dish. Let’s take a peek at the recipe below!

Mama LIta


– 200 gr macaroni

– 5 smoked beef

– 1 tbsp butter

– 2 cloves of garlic

– 400 ml of water

– 300 ml liquid milk

– Cheddar cheese

– Mozzarella cheese

– 1 tsp of seasoning for french fries with cheese flavor

– tsp ground beef broth

– tsp pepper

– oregano

– A little sugar

How to make:

– Slice smoked beef in small rectangular shape

– Melt butter, saute smoked beef until slightly dry, set aside

– Add chopped garlic, cook until fragrant

– Add water, wait until it boils, then add macaroni, wait 15 minutes until cooked

– Once cooked, add liquid milk, spices, and cheese

– Stir and cook until thickened then remove

Before direct c try making your own, let’s see the full tutorial only on the Mama Lita Channel YouTube channel!


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