Checking Account vs. Savings Account: What Should You Choose

Press ReleaseJan 14, 2022 22:59 EST

HONG KONG,January 14, 2022( –iQuanti: Managing money efficiently can help one in many ways. One can streamline expenses, save smartly, and do more. To manage money effectively one may choose to open a checking account or a savings account. 

A checking account can be ideal for those who want to carry out everyday expenses, pay bills, transfer funds, and more, conveniently. A savings account can be advantageous for someone who wants to save money for a longer duration to fulfill diverse needs. While both the account types can help one organize their finances better, there are differences in the functionalities between the two. 

Differences Between Checking and Savings Account

To know the difference between a checking account and a savings account elaborately, check out the points given below:


Checking Account: A checking account is a type of bank account that one can open to manage everyday expenses. Such an account is ideal to fulfill frequent spending needs. If one wants to save money for future use, then opening a checking account may not prove to be a beneficial option as it is specially designed for making payments for everyday needs. 

Savings Account: A savings account is a type of bank account that one can open to save money for emergency needs or for the future to meet large lumpsum requirements. If an individual wants to stash extra funds for miscellaneous needs or emergency situations, then applying for a savings account can be helpful.

Rate of Interest

Checking Account: As there is no withdrawal limit in a checking account and one has the liberty to withdraw funds frequently, the rate of interest offered is less. Also, not all banks may offer interest for a checking account. 

Savings Account: A savings account is an interest-bearing account. However, the rate of interest offered in a savings account is higher than that of a checking account. 

Withdrawal Limit

Checking Account: A checking account does not have a cash withdrawal limit. This allows one to withdraw funds frequently and as per his/her requirements and needs. 

Savings Account: A savings account allows only a specific number of free ATM withdrawals per month. The number of withdrawals can vary from bank to bank.

Differences between a checking account and a savings account

Checking AccountSavings Account
Ideal for everyday spending needsIdeal for saving
Does not have a withdrawal limitComes with a withdrawal limit
May offer a lower or no interest rateOffers a comparatively high rate of interest

Final Thoughts

To manage and streamline everyday expenses and to save money for emergencies or any other needs, one may choose to open both a checking account and a savings account. However, it completely depends on how the individual wants to use his/her money and organize it better to align with the financial goals that he/she has. One may choose to open both the account types in a bank such as Citibank. To know more about the account types, one may check out the official websites of the banks where he/she wants to apply for the accounts. 


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Source: iQuanti, Inc.

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