Citroen Ami; What you need to know about the micro model that has started to appear in Turkey

Citroen Ami, which claims to be a radical alternative in urban transportation, started to create the agenda with images taken on its roads in Turkey.

About 1.5 years have passed since we met Ami, which was developed by Citroen as a remarkable solution for urban electric transportation. With the sharing made with Opel, another partner of the group, there is not much time left for Turkey sales for this micro-vehicle, whose route is also twisted to Germany. Citroen Ami, which attracts attention with its images on social media, has started to be brought to Turkey through official channels with the initiatives of PSA Turkey. In the light of the negotiations we have made, we see that the official Turkey prices of the vehicle have not been determined yet. The first examples that you may encounter on the streets are being evaluated by the municipality and fleet companies in the test focus for potential purchases. Let’s not forget to mention that Ami, which we expect to have the opportunity to meet him at a launch event to be held in the coming days, is offered for sale in France at a price of 6,990 euros. Ami can also be preferred abroad with a 48-month long-term rental formula. The model becomes an incredibly advantageous vehicle for users with a rental fee of 20 euros per month over this formula.


Citroen Ami technical specifications

Citroen Ami comes out as an electric that can offer a range of 70-75 kilometers with a fully charged battery. The model, which has a maximum speed of 45 km/h, can be charged in just 3 hours from a standard electrical socket thanks to its 5.5 kWh compact battery. Being a compact and agile car, the Ami also facilitates the urban parking needs of the users. The vehicle, which also offers customization options, has a 6-color accessory package. Thanks to these packages, it is possible to give the vehicle different looks. Supporting wireless charging technology in its interior, Ami also has a 5-inch screen and a simple voice-controlled interface. The commercial use-oriented Cargo version, which was recently introduced for Ami, is also expected to attract attention. At this stage, we are curious about the sales strategy in Turkey as much as the prices, and the developments regarding Ami, which will bring advantages such as taxes and unauthorized use, will be on

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