Pride 2023

Thousands of people participated in the 2023 Dublin Pride parade, which many have emphasised is still a protest.

Participants gathered at O’Connell Street at noon and marched towards Merrion Square to enter the ‘Pride Village’.

Crowds at Dublin Pride. Image via JJ Clarke for Newstalk.

This year marks 40 years since the original Pride Parade in Fairview Park where people protested the suspended charges of five young men who killed Declan Flynn.

TV presenter and drag performer Paul Ryder told The Anton Savage Show this year’s Pride feels more like a protest than previous years.

“Post-2015, I felt like I could do anything – wear drags, hold my fiancé’s hand walking down the street,” he said. “Right now, I don’t feel that in Dublin city.”

“We celebrate what we have done, but there’s work we need to do.”

Mr Reid said the recent back pedaling in LGBTQ+ rights around the world have prompted more protest at this year’s Pride.

Dublin Pride March. Image by JJ Clarke for Newstalk.

“Look at what happened in America with the anti-trans bills, and the couple in Drogheda that was beat up,” he said.

“We’re still fighting a fight, whether it’s for our community, for the trans community and trans rights, anyone that’s a part of the LGBTQ acronym.”

Dublin City Council at Pride. Image via JJ Clarke for Newstalk.

He encouraged families to bring their children to family-friendly spaces at Pride to learn more about the community.

“Show the future generation it’s okay to be different,” Mr Reid said. “So we don’t have to keep up this fight, and Pride can just be a beautiful day to celebrate.”

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