Clean Air Metals to drill Thunder Bay North, Ontario

Clean Air Metals Inc. [TSXV-[TSXV-AIR; FRA-CKU; OTCQB-CLRMF]reported an upcoming 1,600-metre drilling program at its Thunder Bay North Critical Minerals (TBN) project, Ontario (14.0 Mt Indicated resource 1.31 g/t Pt, 1.37 g/t Pd, 0.41% Cu, 0.25% Ni). The program is comprised of up to 10 short holes (100 to 185 metres in depth) that will target near-surface high-grade zones within the Current deposit to better define their lateral continuity and tonnage potential. Drilling is expected to start in early August.

The company’s new technical leadership team has completed a detailed assessment of existing geological and geophysical data and resource models for the Project.

Key findings of this review are: The known high-grade intersections at TBN have a regular periodicity that the Company believes are related to flow processes similar to those associated with alluvial gold deposits; applying a tighter drill spacing within these high-grade areas could result in an increased tonnage and grade and high-grade ‘plums’ within both deposits are not easily detectable with available geophysical data, and there is an opportunity to improve data density and depth of penetration.

To better understand the importance of these high-grade areas in terms of their size and potential impact on the project economics, the company plans to drill a series of tightly spaced holes into three shallow and readily accessible high-grade areas at the Current deposit. Each target has a single, existing high-grade intersection. These include: 5.02 g/t Pt, 4.84 g/t Pd, 1.18% Cu and 0.56% Ni over 51 m from 85 m in hole BL10-326; 4.20 g/t Pt, 3.80 g/t Pd, 0.85% Cu and 0.39% Ni over 23.5 m from 123.5 m in hole BL10-328 as well as 4.87 g/t Pt, 4.44 g/t Pd,1.17% Cu and 0.56% Ni over 19 m from 155 m in hole BL09-155.

Results from the new drilling will be used to develop both an exploration program designed to potentially discover new high-grade zones and a resource delineation program to potentially increase the resources contained in these high-grade areas. They will also help guide the location for a potential bulk sample(s) pending the submission and approval of an Advanced Exploration permit.

Clean Air Metals’ CEO Mike Garbutt commented, “New insights provided by Vice President of Exploration Dr. Lionnel Djon and director Dr. David Peck has led to a refinement to the geological template for the TBN deposits. The upcoming drilling program is a critical step in the company’s plan to significantly improve the TBN project economics by fully defining the highest value mineralization within the Current and Escape deposits.

The company is preparing an Advanced Exploration application for the project, representing the first stage in the Provincial mine permitting process. The company has already applied (July 2022) to convert some of the TBN property claims into a mineral lease (approval pending).

The company has also contracted Sisprobe to complete a passive seismic survey designed to provide a much better definition of the mineralized basal contact and to potentially map out larger sulphide trap sites (i.e., new high-grade ‘plum’ targets) at this contact in the large and untested, down-plunge target area at the Escape deposit. The company also continues to evaluate complementary copper- and platinum metal-rich assets in the province.

Clean Air Metals is a development and exploration company advancing its flagship, 100%-owned Thunder Bay North Critical Minerals (TBN) project, 40 km northeast of Thunder Bay, Ontario.

The TBN project, accessible by road and next to established infrastructure, hosts two deposits – the Current and Escape deposits, only 2.5 km apart. Together, the deposits host a 14.0 Mt indicated mineral resource containing 2.4M Pt eq. oz with significant potential for expansion down-plunge.

One of the rare primary platinum resources outside of South Africa, the TBN project is in a stable and mining-friendly jurisdiction and benefits from longstanding relationships with local First Nations. With its proven technical team, Clean Air Metals is committed to growing the resources at the TBN project and creating long-term value for shareholders.

Clean Air Metals is committed to stewarding Indigenous heritage and remains committed to building, fostering and encouraging a respectful relationship with First Nations, Métis and Inuit peoples based upon principles of mutual trust, respect, reciprocity and collaboration in the spirit of reconciliation.

Resource World Magazine Inc. has prepared this editorial for general information purposes only and should not be considered a solicitation to buy or sell securities in the companies discussed herein. The information provided has been derived from sources believed to be reliable but cannot be guaranteed. This editorial does not take into account the readers investment criteria, investment expertise, financial condition, or financial goals of individual recipients and other concerns such as jurisdictional and/or legal restrictions that may exist for certain persons. Recipients should rely on their own due diligence and seek their own professional advice before investing.

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