Climate strike in Milan. Greta Thunberg and Vanessa Nakate spoke to young activists

Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg spoke on Friday during the climate strike that took place through the streets of Milan, Italy. She referred to the ongoing climate forum in the city, in which the ministers of the environment of various countries and young people take part. – Everyone pretends that they have a solution to the climate crisis, that they are taking sufficient action. But we’ve seen through their lies and their “blah blah blah” chatter. We are tired of this – she said. Ugandan activist Vanessa Nakate also took the floor. Climate justice is justice only when it covers everyone, she pointed out. ed.). Participants in the protest demanding that action be taken to combat the climate crisis. The march was led by two activists Greta Thunberg from Sweden and Vanessa Nakate from Uganda.

There was a climate strike in Milan on Friday PAP / EPA / MATTEO BAZZI

Greta Thunberg: the longer we wait, the greater the damage we will make

They also spoke in front of those gathered in the streets of Milan. – At the moment in Milan, ministers (environment – ed.) From around the world gathered to debate the climate crisis. And they all pretend to have solutions to this problem, that they are taking sufficient action. But we’ve seen through their lies and their “blah blah blah” chatter. We are tired of it, Thunberg said. In her opinion, the climate crisis will only get worse over time. – And the longer we wait, the more damage we will do – he argues.

– Let’s never stop, let’s continue the fight until we finish – she appealed. During Friday’s march she also danced and clapped while other protesters sang the Italian guerrilla anthem “Bella Ciao”.

Greta Thunberg during the protest in Milan PAP / EPA / MATTEO BAZZI

Nakate: climate justice is only justice if it covers everyone

Nakate used to say that “climate justice is justice only if it covers everyone.” – When the communities that are struggling with the worst effects of the climate crisis are listened to.

– So we will strike, we will demand and we will not give up silence – she added.

Vanessa Nakate is a Ugandan climate activist PAP / EPA / MATTEO BAZZI

Greta Thunberg in Milan at the COP24 summit

The Swedish activist came to Milan, as did thousands of other young climate activists, to attend the Youth4Climate youth forum. At this meeting, environment and youth ministers are expected to develop a working framework for the agenda for the UN climate change conference in Glasgow, COP-26, scheduled for November.

The Glasgow conference aims to establish more ambitious climate action for the nearly 200 countries that signed the Paris Agreement of 2015 and agreed to an attempt to limit man-made global warming.

Greta Thunberg during the climate march in Milan PAP / EPA / MATTEO BAZZI

Author: acre


Main photo source: PAP / EPA / MATTEO BAZZI

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