Nasarawa Utd Dispels Rumour Of Planned Strike

 After picking one of the 2023/24 Nigeria National League Super 8 playoff tickets, Nasarawa United Football Club have turned focus to the 2024 President’s Federation Cup.

The team had a rigorous train­ing exercise on Wednesday morn­ing at the Lafia City Stadium preparatory for the Round of 32 clash against fellow NNL24 Super 8 counterparts, Sokoto United, at the Sani Abacha Stadium, Kano, on Wednesday, May 22, 2024, by 4pm.

Captain of the team, King Osanga, told the club’s media that the team is battle-ready to face any opposition in the oldest single knockout inter-club com­petition in Nigeria.

“To the glory of God, we have been able to cross one hurdle en­route to the elite domestic football league in Nigeria by picking the Super 8 playoff ticket, and wait­ing for the second and last phase of the competition to kick-start.

“A week-and-a -half ago, we kick-started the 2024 President Federation Cup competition where we defeated FC Bako by a lone goal in the round of 64 in Kaduna.

“Now, we are shifting our attention to the Round of 32 tie versus Sokoto United in a few weeks to come.

“As you can see, we are train­ing ahead of the match in Kano, and we hope to make progress to the next phase of the compe­tition.

“We will approach the game with all our arsenal because ev­ery game is important, regard­less of the opponents.”

The former Nigerian junior international, however, dispelled a few rumours that have been spreading recently across the cy­berspace that the team’s players embarked on a strike, demanding for their entitlements.

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