Closed accounts, loans, meeting at the bank …: the disappearance of Delphine Jubillar linked to money?

The Toulouse gendarmes are very interested in the accounts of the Jubillar couple. They discovered that Delphine Jubillar had made an appointment with her bank on the day of her disappearance to change her bank card codes and close a joint account.

New lead in the case of the disappearance of Delphine Jubillar in Cagnac-les-Mines (Tarn), a young nurse wanted since December 15, 2020. Her companion Cédric is in detention and her requests for release have all been refused by the justice. After months of mystery, the investigation could now turn towards the financial motive.

Delphine Jubillar wanted to close the accounts

While the couple was in the process of divorce, Delphine Jubillar went to her bank branch on the day of her disappearance to change her bank card codes, reveals La Dépêche . The young woman would also have closed the couple’s joint account and an appointment was scheduled three days later to finalize the procedures.

“He was not living on his wife’s side”, according to his lawyer

The financial question is at the heart of the investigations of the Toulouse research section, which are now certain that the difference in salary within the couple generated conflicts. Delphine Jubillar, nurse in Albi, reproached her husband Cédric, a craftsman, for not working enough and for borrowing money from him. Asked by La Dépêche , Cédric Jubillar’s lawyer tempers. “He did not live on the hooks of his wife. He took particular care to repay the amount borrowed and even beyond”.

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