The caretaker government is preparing a military order for BGN 390 million.

The Cabinet is preparing a deal for the purchase of new 3D radars for BGN 390 million. The Minister of Defense Georgi Panayotov announced that next week he will submit to the Council of Ministers a project for the investment cost. However, due to the size of the deal, it must be approved by the National Assembly, as by law military expenditures over BGN 100 million must go through the plenary hall.

It is planned to purchase five stationary and two mobile radar. The Ministry of Defense has already made inquiries to companies, but they are only preliminary. Asked whether the contractor would be an American company, Panayotov said that a tender would be announced.

-good offer – radars will be bought from it. ”

We remind you that the former Minister of Defense Krassimir Karakachanov often resorted to loopholes in the law and due to the specifics of military purchases chose supplier

Otherwise, the order for radars was discussed last year, when former Prime Minister Boyko Boyko Borissov was at a meeting with US Ambassador Hero Mustafa and announced that it will send letters of request for eight new F-16 fighter jets.

The acquisition of the new radars is related to the use of American F-16 fighters ordered in 2019 which are expected to be delivered in 2023-2024

The Minister of Defense also commented that the army needs serious investments and that it has already asked the US The government has a contract for the acquisition of eight new F-16 fighters from the American company Lockheed Martin.

The army needs 3D radars, armored vehicles, anti-aircraft missile systems, ships , submarines, we sent an inquiry to Lockheed Martin for the second group of F-16 aircraft. There is a need for individual equipment, radio stations. The army must be able to fulfill its constitutional obligations and this must be understood by both politicians and the Bulgarian people, “Panayotov commented.


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