Collective efforts are necessary to transform health systems, says PAHO director

A global symposium, which is being held in Latin America for the first time, seeks to strengthen the response capacity to face public health challenges.

Bogotá, Colombia, November 2, 2022 (PAHO) – The director of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), Dr. Carissa F. Etienne, highlighted the importance of joining efforts to transform health systems, achieve universal health and improving human security during the opening of the 7th Global Symposium on Health Systems Research.


The event is held in Bogotá, Colombia, under the motto “Performance of health systems at the center of the political agenda: experiences to address present and future global challenges”.

“We have important work to do through conferences like this one, to reposition the value of science within our societies and strengthen institutional mechanisms that evaluate scientific evidence to guide the formulation of future policies and actions in public health”, said Dr. Etienne in a video intervention, recalling the lessons that the COVID-19 pandemic has left.

“Whether we are looking at the evaluation of treatments during pandemic times or the impact of investments in primary health care, we must increase our capacity to generate research-based evidence ”she added.

According to the director of PAHO, this requires greater collaboration between governments and scientific communities, greater promotion and investment in health system evaluations, and the adoption of the results by policy makers. “And it means engaging society more broadly in the importance and merits of research, science, and the use of evidence,” she stressed.

On the other hand, she reiterated that beyond COVID-19, we continue to face new threats, such as the monkeypox outbreak, declared a public health emergency of international concern last July. “The resilience of our health personnel and systems is being tested once again as cases continue to rise in parts of our region. Meanwhile, the burden of chronic disease continues to grow, with increasing rates of mortality, morbidity, and disability,” she said.

In this regard, the PAHO director called on researchers, policy makers, and government officials to maintain focus on the objective so that health systems are inclusive, expansive , and resilient to the growing number of health threats in the context of a changing climate and world.”

Finally, she emphasized that PAHO will continue to be committed to working with Member States, the scientific community, and society as a whole to generate, promote, and disseminate information, defining health actions based on the best evidence.

In December, the Organization celebrates 120 years of active work in the field of public health in the Americas.

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