Collective that wants ABP out of the fossil industry at the top of the Sustainable Top 100

Trouw newspaper has a citizen collective ABP Fossielvrij ) in first place in the annual Sustainable Top 100. The jury of the ranking of green citizens’ initiatives praises the fearlessness of the people who have committed themselves to the initiative, because they dare to stand up against the “financial giant” ABP.

ABP is the largest pension fund in the Netherlands, with about 3 million participants and 500 billion euros in outstanding investments. ABP Fossilvrij, which was founded by ABP participants, wants the civil servants fund to stop investing in oil, coal and gas. The collective recently went to court for this reason.

“ABP Fossil Free is a tireless citizen movement with a strong strategic goal,” says jury member and financial climate expert Laurie van der Burg. .

The numbers two and three in the Sustainable Top 100 also agitate against the fossil fuel industry. In second place is the Stop Ecocide movement, whose mission is to make polluting companies criminally responsible for damaging and destroying ecosystems. Number three Advertising Fossielvrij fights against advertising from, among others, oil companies.

Only citizens’ initiatives

The top of the Sustainable Top 100 was presented last night in Amsterdam, where European Commissioner Frans Timmermans addressed the winners via a video message. Trouw has drawn up the list, which since 2019 only consists of citizens’ initiatives, for the thirteenth time.

Last year the Young Climate Movement
on a

. These are more than fifty different youth organizations that want to influence climate and sustainability policy. For the first time, there was not one person in the first place, but an entire movement.

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