Construction of a bridge over the Ribeirão River in the district of Pacarana meets the demand for more than 30 years, says Cirone Deiró

Photo: consultancy

Leaderships and the mayor of Espigão do Oeste Weliton Pereira, recognized the performance of deputy Cirone Deiró to enable the construction of the bridge over the Ribeirão River, which will have R$7.2 million in investments allocated by Governor Marcos Rocha.

“The signing of the service order by Governor Marcos Rocha, who authorized the start of work on the concrete bridge with approximately 60 meters in length over the Ribeirão River on RO-387, at Km 56.6 that connects the municipality of Espigão do Oeste to the district of Pacarana, on the border with Mato Grosso, which meets one of the oldest demands of farmers in that region,” stated deputy Cirone Deiró. The execution of the work, which will involve an investment of R$7.2 million, had been defended by deputy Cirone together with Governor Marcos Rocha and DER director Elias Rezende.

Last July, at the invitation of the parliamentarian, the director of the DER, Elias Rezende, participated in a meeting with the productive segments of the municipality. On the occasion, the producers reiterated the serious consequences that the lack of maintenance on the road of the Pacarana RO-387 brought to farmers and local residents. In addition to claiming the recovery of RO-387, they pointed out the urgent need to build a concrete bridge on the Ribeirão River. Since the wooden bridge did not offer safety to drivers.

On behalf of Governor Marcos Rocha, the director of DER Elias Rezende undertook to meet the demand of farmers in the district of Pacarana, which had already been defended by deputy Cirone Deiró. Responsible for the dialogue between the local productive sector and the director of the DER, deputy Cirone Deiró began to closely monitor the measures taken to ensure the immediate recovery of the Pacarana road and the preparation of the project for the construction of the concrete bridge. According to the deputy, director Elias Rezende demonstrated commitment to farmers in that region by setting up a task force to carry out the recovery of the Pacarana road with the necessary agility. “Men from DER residences in São Francisco and Cacoal joined in a task force to carry out patrolling and opening of water outlets, in addition to other services necessary to provide greater safety for drivers who use that highway to transport agricultural production, ” explained. In a recent public hearing held by the City Council, in the district of Pacarana, Mayor Weliton Pereira acknowledged Deputy Cirone’s commitment to the demands received from all local segments. “I have in Congressman Cirone a first-time partner, because he is the one I turn to whenever I need to resolve issues that need dialogue and the good traffic that the congressman has already shown to have with Governor Marcos Rocha and his team,” he pointed out, when registering the work of deputy Cirone in defense of the paving of the limestone road. Initiative that will guarantee the distribution of limestone to farmers in 52 municipalities.

According to Mayor Weliton, in addition to the effort made by deputy Cirone with governor Marcos Rocha and DER director Elias Rezende for the recovery of the Pacarana road and the feasibility of signing the service order that authorizes the start of construction work on the concrete bridge over the Ribeirão River , the deputy has earmarked parliamentary amendment resources to benefit various sectors of local development. The mayor cited the recent release of a parliamentary amendment in R$ 280 thousand for the construction of a new bridge over the River Limão, on line 40, in the rural area of ​​the municipality. “Deputy Cirone has a look at the demands of the countryman and also of the city,” he concluded.

For the director of DER Elias Rezende, the presence of deputy Cirone Deiró in the DER is always motivated by claims that seek to contribute to the economic development of the municipalities in Rondônia. “His business experience and strong ties with all productive sectors in the municipalities of Rondônia made deputy Cirone an important spokesperson for the segment with the government. As an example, we have the advances that farmers in the municipality of Espigão have received through the committed performance of deputy Cirone,” he said. Cirone thanked Governor Marcos Rocha and DER director Elias Rezende for their commitment to allocating resources for the execution of works that had been awaited for decades by the municipality’s farmers. “I still remember the distrust of farmers when we met in July, and DER director Elias Rezende made a commitment, on behalf of Governor Marcos Rocha, to do for the district of Paracana what was never done in previous governments. Recover the road and build a concrete bridge with investments of R$7.2 million. Today, Espigão do Oeste celebrates yet another important work in infrastructure that will mark local development,” he concluded. sicoob credisulsicoob credisul

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