Corona slows Swiss car market in 2021

Although more cars were bought in 2021 than in the previous year, the number of new enrollments was again below the level from before the pandemic. (Archive image)


The Swiss people bought more cars last year than in 2020. However, the increase in new acquisitions was restrained and the number rose New enrollments were again below the level from before the pandemic.

This was announced by the Auto Schweiz Association on monday with. Specifically, new enrollments increased by 0.7 percent to 238,481 in 2021. In 2019 there were 311,466. Auto Schweiz is therefore writing of a challenging year that was characterized by delivery problems due to the lack of electronic components in vehicle production and international transport restrictions.

More electric cars

Especially towards the end of the year there was a decline in new registrations. In December, only 24,523 were registered, a decrease of 16.7 percent compared to the previous year. This means that the last calendar month of the year was also the fourth in a row in which a decrease compared to the respective comparison month was recorded, according to the communiqué.

The balance is more positive if you only look at vehicles with alternative drives. The market share of vehicles with electric drives (pure electric cars, plug-in hybrids, fuel cell vehicles) reached a monthly record level of 32.9 percent in December.

Delivery problems remain in focus

In 2021 as a whole, e-drives would have a 22.5 percent market share. A further 21.9 percent of the new registrations were for full and mild hybrids without charging via the power grid, the association said. Since the beginning of the chip crisis, manufacturers have preferred models with an electric drive in production. This strategy has paid off in the past few months and is now also reflected in the key figures, according to the statement.

Looking ahead, it is now a matter of overcoming the delivery difficulties of 2021. Because the long delivery times had bothered the entire industry. Thanks to the forecasts of automobile manufacturers, one is optimistic that the delivery situation will improve in the second half of the new year at the latest.


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