Coronation Street spoilers: 41 new images reveal Imran’s one night stand, Abi’s secret and Jenny’s new lover

The residents of Coronation Street are spilling the beans all over the cobbles next week, as several hide secrets, while others come clean.

Imran Habeeb (Charlie De Melo) has enough of Sabeen’s (Zora Bishop) blackmail, and thus he decides to open up to Toyah Battersby (Georgia Taylor) revealing all about his one stand!

But will he tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth?

Abi Franklin (Sally Carman), meanwhile, returns to the eponymous street, and apologises for putting Kevin Webster (Michael Le Vell) and Jack through hell. However, she makes it clear that she might not be staying put.

Jack is distraught, and Abi claims she doesn’t want to reschedule the wedding due to the organising, but Kevin promises her that he and Debbie (Sue Devaney) will do it all. She reluctantly agrees, much to Kevin’s delight, but Nina Lucas (Mollie Gallagher) is suspicious of her. Later in the week, Nina pays Abi a visit – but what will she have to say?

It’s all kicking off on the cobbles next week, and if you fancy a first-look at what’s coming up, then check our our preview gallery below.

Coronation Street airs these scenes w/c Monday October 11 from 7:30pm on ITV.

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