Coronavirus: Rondônia registers 03 deaths and 171 cases in the last 24 hours

By Secom Governo/RO
Published on 10/08/2021 at 8:51 pm The Government of Rondônia, through the State Agency of Health Surveillance (Agevisa), State Superintendence of Information and Communication Technology (Setic) and State Health Department (Sesau), publishes a balance of data regarding covid-19 cases in the state.

This Friday (8), the following results were consolidated:

    Confirmed cases – 266,651

    Active cases – 1,236 ( 0.47%)

      Patients Recovered – 258,871 (97, 08%)

        Deaths – 6,544 (2.45%)

          Patients admitted to the State Health Network – 34
          Patients admitted to the Private Network – 01

            Patients admitted to the Municipal Health Network – 23
            Patients admitted to the Philanthropic Network – 00

              Total inpatients – 58

                Patients waiting for beds: 0
                Tests Performed -1.028.137

                Waiting for results from Lacen – 83

    Vaccinated population:

      1st Dose – 1,137,956

      2nd Dose – 617,876

      • Total of doses applied: 1,755,832

      Vaccines received: 2,039,088

        CoronaVac: 664.648

      AstraZeneca: 687,400

    Pfizer: 651,690

    *Janssen: 35,350 Source: Vaccines Panel

    In the State, the numbers of confirmed, recovered and death cases from the first registration on March 20, 2020 until today (October 8, 2021), by covid-19 are:

    TOTAL CASES IN RONDÔNIA – 10/08/2021

    CountyTotal Cases

    Total Deaths Total CuredPorto Velho






    22,157 Ji-Paraná


    612 19,732


    14,969 306 14,634 Vilhena 14,946 274


    Jaru 8.001

    184 7,809 Rolim de Moura 7.231 173 7,040 Machadinho D’Oeste 6,947 114 6,808 Bueno Pepper6,927 120 6. 732


    5.440 224 5.213

    Buritis 5.077 77


    Black Gold of the West

    4,795 148 4.630 High Forest D’Oeste 4,130 66 4.020 Jamari Lamps 3,988 78 3,908Medical President 3.70685 3,618Spike West

    3.753 76 3,640

    New Mamoré

    3,608 82


    Cherry trees 2,579 64


    São Francisco do Guaporé 2,559 48 2.508 São Miguel do Guaporé 2.522 51 2,470 West Colorado 2,386 45


    New Brasilândia D’Oeste2,303 34 2.265Cujubim 2,053 41 1995

    Costa Marques 1995 38 1.953

    High Paradise 1,891 50 1,835 Monte Negro1,847 34 1,809 Chupinguaia 1,596


    1.562 Rubber trees 1.50321 1,474

    Alto Alegre dos Parecis




    Itapuã do Oeste 1.418 18


    Urupá 1.287 32 1,250 Field Nov Rondônia 1,265 23 1,242

    Anari Valley

    1,225 251.187

    Dawn D’Oeste

    1,166 29


    Mirante da Serra


    13 1,032Santa Luzia D’Oeste 1,023 21984 Cocoaland 938 15921Cabxixi 926 21 897New Union



    844 Vale do Paraíso 858 26 826Corumbiara 854 22 830Theobroma



    823 New West Horizon 676 22654

    Governor Jorge Teixeira


    22 601

    Rio Crespo 615 13 602Teixeirópolis534 9 525São Felipe D’Oeste 521 12


    Minister Andreazza 516 14


    Peppers of the West 443 15 427 Looks 390 11 375 Chestnut trees 275


    266 Spring in Rondônia




    Grand total 266.6516,544


    In Rondônia, in the last 24 hours, the following results were recorded for covid-19:

      LAST 24 HOURS



    Porto Velho


    0Ariquemes 3 1 Ji-Paraná 80Cacoal 161

    Villa ena 26

    1 Jaru



    Machadinho D’Oeste


    1 Rolim de Mouratwo
    1 Bueno Pepper 0 0Guajará-Mirim 00Buritis 5 0 Black Gold of the West 30 High Forest D’Oeste 12 0 Jamari Lamps 0 0Medical President0 0

    West Spike 9 0 New Mamoré 1


    Cherry trees 5 0

    São Francisco do Guaporé



    São Miguel do Guaporé 0 0 West Colorado 10

    Nova Brasilândia D’Oeste

    10Cujubim 0 0

    Costa Marques

    0 0 High Paradise0 0Monte Negro 1


    Chupinguaia 5 0 Rubber trees 0 0High Al egre dos Parecis 1 0

    Itapuã do Oeste

    1 0




    New Field of Rondônia

    0 0

    Anari Valley 0 0

    Dawn D’Oeste


    Mirante da Serra


    0Santa Luzia D’ West 8 0 Cocoalândia



    Governor Jorge Teixeira

    twoCabin 0

    0New Union 0Paradise Valleytwo 0Corumbiara 0 0Theobroma 0 0 New West Horizon 0 0

    0 0

    Rio Crespo

    00Teixeirópolis 0 0

    São Felipe D’Oeste

    0 0Minister Andreazza 0 0 Peppers of the West 00

    You look

    00 Chestnut trees 00 Spring in Rondônia 00Grand total


  • In the last 24 hours, three deaths were registered by covid-19 in Rondônia, being a 72-year-old man from Ariquemes; a 65-year-old man from Cacoal and an 85-year-old woman from Vilhena.
  • According to Agevisa, the data is analyzed daily by the Strategic Information Center in Health Surveillance (Cievs), which also monitors the epidemiological investigation carried out by the Health teams in the municipalities for data checking.

    For detailed information and full reports, access the Portal Corona Virus in Rondônia, through the address:

    Note: This article have been indexed to our site. We do not claim legitimacy, ownership or copyright of any of the content above. To see the article at the original source Click Here

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