COVID-19: Does garlic cure and Chinese make you sick?

And has a huge amount of information about the coronavirus, which has been harassing the world for two years now. The online space is full of reliable information to satisfy any curiosity.

Doctor for COVID-19: Don’t believe it

Unfortunately, there are also many

fake news and myths that spread almost as fast as the infection itself .

Given how potentially dangerous information can be dangerous to health in the current situation, it is important to be able to distinguish truth from falsehood.

Six myths about COVID vaccines that have nothing to do with the truth

Myth vs. Reality: Transforming do our vaccines in magnets

There is no doubt that the coronavirus pandemic is a disturbing experience for everyone. While self-isolation and social distancing have created scenes like from an apocalypse movie, we can take comfort in the fact that

most people are united for a common good, trying to significantly reduce the lethal outcome of this pandemic .

So, load up on reliable information and inform your loved ones about the myths for COVID-19 and especially these food-related myths. And who they are, see in our gallery above.

Scientists: Healthy eating reduces the risk of COVID-19

Source: Eat This Not That

Note: This article has been indexed to our site. We do not claim legitimacy, ownership or copyright of any of the content above. To see the article at original source Click Here

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