Cozy autumn time: 5 things you can do in October

Goodbye summer, hello autumn! The dark season definitely has its advantages. You calm down a bit and don’t rush from one meeting to the next.

Everything is under the sign: Feel good, gather strength and do something good for yourself.

Get a pen and piece of paper and write your personal to-do list for cozy October.

1. Drink hot cocoa or golden milk

Is there anything nicer than being cuddled up with a blanket inside while it is raining outside? In addition a hot sugar-free cocoa or a golden milk with turmeric , put on cuddly socks and read a book comfortably the day.

The best thing about it? You can do that without a guilty conscience. In bad weather you won’t miss anything outside anyway. Just being able to indulge.

2. Go picking apples

October is the season for local fruit. Take advantage of the sunny days in autumn and go to an apple orchard and pick juicy, crunchy apples to your heart’s content.

You can use the collected apples in many ways: Eat raw, process into apple jam or apple sauce, enjoy fried apples or bake an apple pie.

It doesn’t matter which variant you choose , You can’t go wrong with this autumnal fruit!

Recipe: Healthy Apple Nut Cake

Dinkel, Apfel, Frühstück, gesund, Müsli, Dessert


3 . Carve a pumpkin & prepare it for culinary delights

The scariest day of the year is coming up: October 31st is Halloween.

In the supermarket you will find countless decorative Pumpkins just waiting to terrify children. But it’s also fun to be creative yourself, so grab a knife and carve creepy faces into pumpkins.

But you should also take advantage of the pumpkin season in culinary terms. The pumpkin soup is now one of the autumn classics. But maybe try new pumpkin recipes in the kitchen this year.

Picture gallery: “Hello Autumn” – 12 healthy pumpkin recipes

4. Rustling your feet through the leaves

When the streets are full of leaves, we all become children again. During a leisurely walk you can consciously hear the rustling Perceive leaves and feel like a child again.

If you come across a pile of leaves on the way, you can use the opportunity: When was the last time you jumped in full of joy?

5. Trail running through the forest

Now that the leaves are turning into wonderful shades of orange, red and yellow, a (trail) run through the forest is simply magical.

Trail running demands more of joggers than leisurely laps in the park – and that’s good: running is more demanding in terms of coordination.

“The brain is also called for more, because it has to look ahead more how it has to place its foot in order not to injure itself, “says Sports physician Lutz Graumann from Rosenheim opposite the German Press Agency.

But the equipment must also be chosen carefully: non-slip shoes, drinking bottle or . Hydration pack and a charged smartphone, if you suddenly stand in the forest and don’t know what to do next.

Reading tips

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