Crews are working hard to limit the oil spill in California

Crews work feverishly both along the coast and at sea to limit the environmental damage from one of the largest oil spills California has seen in recent times.

At least 572,000 liters of oil have leaked into the ocean off Orange County in southern California, and could have significant ecological consequences on beaches and wetlands, authorities said in Huntington Beach, Orange County, southern California on Sunday.

Huntington Beach Mayor Kim Carr said Sunday that the beaches of the local community, often called “Surf City”, may remain closed for weeks or months. This weekend the beaches would normally be filled with people playing volleyball, swimming and surfing in the summer weather.

– In a year where we have had a long series of major and challenging problems, this oil spill is one of the worst incidents we have had to deal with in decades, said Carr.

– We do everything we can for to protect the health and safety of our citizens, our visitors and nature, he said.

– Destroyed

Some birds and fish were caught in the oil spill and died, according to Katrina Foley, Orange County Supervisor.

– The oil has infiltrated an entire wetland area, and there are significant consequences for wildlife, she said Sunday, according to CNN .

She says that for decades they have worked with a number of organizations to maintain the Talbert wetland area.

– And now it has been destroyed in just one day, she said.

The discharge has created a many kilometers wide film which lay on the water. The oil was washed ashore as sticky, black lumps. A stench of kerosene permeated the air throughout the area on Sunday.

– You get the taste in your mouth just by breathing the steam into the air, said Foley.

Will continue

The leak is due to damage to the pipeline connected to the Elly offshore oil rig, according to Orange County officials. Oil began to leak on Saturday and spread 34 kilometers, according to the Coast Guard. The Coast Guard’s cleanup crews used skimmers to soak up the oil and booms to limit the extent.

Nevertheless, the oil will probably continue to pull towards land for several days to come. It is likely to affect both Newport Beach, south of Huntington Beach, and other neighboring towns.

The oil leak is said to be one of the largest in California history. In 1990, 1.6 million gallons of crude oil leaked when a tanker ran aground off Huntington Beach.

In 2015, a pipeline north of Santa Barbara burst, which caused 541,313 liters of crude oil to leak over Refugio State Beach.

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