Cuban Habano Festival suspended again by Covid-19

Cuban tobacco authorities announced today a new suspension of the XXIII Habano Festival due to the international health situation created by the Covid-19 pandemic and its outbreaks.

A statement from the international corporation Habanos SA, released in this capital, meant that, despite said cancellation, they will work to surprise the fans of cigars in this country during this 2022.

Specifies the text that, due to the current global context, in which the pandemic continues to affect face-to-face events and people’s ability to move, Habanos, SA decided to postpone the appointment.

This meeting was scheduled for February of the current year.

It is the main event of the cigar Premium worldwide, which since 1999 brings together experts, connoisseurs and fans at the end of February around the world to live a unique experience.

The note insists that the organizers regret that For the second consecutive year, there will not be an unavoidable event for Habano lovers.

For this reason, the company will focus its efforts on once again astonishing its fans, as it has already done. in 2021, with activities as innovative as the 1st Edition of Habanos World Days, a virtual event that allowed smokers to share experiences and learn about cigars.

In such a difficult context, this virtual meeting It was a successful call with more than nine thousand participants from more than 140 countries, 200 media and 75 visits during three days.

The program included a visit to the virtual stand of Habanos, SA in which a special Humidor designed to commemorate the 55 years of the Cohiba brand was unveiled.

On that occasion, the names of the nominees for the prestigious Habanos 2020 Awards were shared, that recognize those outstanding personalities for their work in the Communication, Business and Pro categories

In addition, the winning fans of the online version of the International Habanos World Challenge Contest were announced, in which general knowledge about Premium Cuban tobacco is measured in the various phases of process, from its cultivation and production to its enjoyment.

The Habanos Corporation, SA is a world leader in the commercialization of the highest quality cigars, both in Cuba and in the rest of the world .

For this, it has an exclusive distribution network present on five continents and in more than 150 countries ( ).

It markets 27 brands made entirely by hand and protected by the Protected Designation of Origin, among which Cohiba, Montecristo, Romeo y Julieta, Partagás, Hoyo de Monterrey and H . Upmann.

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