Dana White reacts to Jon Jones’ statement following arrest with a short and brutal response

Former UFC light heavyweight champion Jon Jones has had a history of brushes with the law. Just hours after being inducted into the UFC Hall of Fame over the weekend, Jones found himself being booked into a Las Vegas detention center.

Jones was arrested and charged with battery domestic violence and felony count of injuring or tampering with a vehicle after police were called to the hotel after security personnel noticed Jones’ finance, Jessie Moses, had blood on her clothing and dried blood on her swollen lip.

Jones initially resisted arrest but complied after officers threatened to tase him. On Tuesday, Jones broke his silence with a post on his Instagram account.

“I have way too much trauma to consume alcohol,” Jones wrote. “My brain simply can’t handle it anymore. I will leave alcohol in my past forever.

“Now is the time to work harder than ever. 

“Turn this nightmare into the best thing to ever happen in my life. 

“What the devil means for bad, God means for good. 

“Get right back on my horse.”

Jon Jones felony arrest details: Daughter asked for police to be called after Jones allegedly assaulted fiancé

On Tuesday, following the Dana White’s Contender Series at UFC Apex in Las Vegas, UFC president Dana White was asked about Jones’ arrest. White stated that the fight promotion will take a wait and see approach to Jones’ legal troubles.

“We’ll do what we always do,” White said. “We’re very consistent in that we’ll watch and see how this legally and what happens, and we’ll make a decision from there.”

During the press conference on Tuesday, White was informed about Jones’ social media post and Jones stating that he was going to stop consuming alcohol.

White’s response was short and concise. “Ten Years ago,” White said. You’re late.”

Israel Adesanya reacts to Jon Jones’ arrest: ‘I said he’s gonna fk up again’

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