Daniela Büchner: Daughter Joelina: “I don't want to be called 'fat'!”

Daniela Büchner daughter Joelina: “I don’t want to be called ‘fat’!”

Autorenbild Marie Eierund from Marie Eierund

Angriffe gegen Joelina nach

© ddp images, Instagram / dannibuechner; BUNTE.de

This Comment really goes too far! Daniela Büchner’s daughter Joelina skilfully defends herself against her haters on Instagram.

There are taunts and mean news that Daniela Büchner (43) daughter Joelina (22) should make life difficult. Comments that want to devalue the figure of the likeable blonde are unfortunately no longer uncommon on her account. But instead of letting it get her down, Joelina makes it clear: Not with me!

In an almost combative statement, Joelina speaks the Hater on Instagram directly. The 22-year-old wants to encourage her to continue to stand by herself – and Daniela Büchner’s daughter does this in an exemplary manner!

Recently defended “ Goodbye Germany” – Darling Daniela Büchner her daughter Joelina like a lioness! See more in our video above.

Daniela Büchner’s daughter Joelina finds clear words

In her Instagram story, Joelina explains the reason she contacts her followers: “I got such a comment yesterday, saying that I’m not curvy, but fat.” Daniela Büchner’s daughter would like to comment on this news in more detail.

“I think the word bold is simply nasty. It doesn’t matter to whom. I think that’s super nasty and I would never trust myself to do it myself “explains Joelina. The “Goodbye Germany” star speaks carefully to his Critics in conscience: “I don’t want to be called ‘fat’. I don’t want to be offended. If you might not like my content it doesn’t matter. But you don’t have to insult me ​​every time I wear something I like. “

The daughter of the “Goodbye Germany” star wants this behavior

Joelina has clear ideas about how to deal with each other on social networks should be cared for. She says: “Let everyone do what they want. I am happy, I am happy with my body. I am happy in a bikini , in pajamas, in normal Clothes. People: live and let live. I ask you so. ”

It is obvious that Daniela Büchner’s daughter knows her own worth – and defends it at all costs. “I will never let my mouth be forbidden. Everyone doesn’t have to be of my opinion, but I don’t have to tolerate and accept everything on my part,” the 22-year-old makes it self-confidently clear.

Daniela Büchner’s daughter Joelina stands for self-love and acceptance . So also in our video below.

Zuspruch für Joelinas Bikini-Fotos:

© Instagram / dannibuechner; Instagram / joelinakrbs; BUNTE.de

Autorenbild Marie Eierund

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