Densus 88 Antiterror Response Cuitan Fadli Zone Question Dissolution, Jakarta – Densus 88 Anti-terror Police responded to a tweet by a member of Commission I of the House of Representatives,

Fadli Zon on his Twitter account. The Gerindra Party politician asked that Densus 88 be disbanded. Fadli Zon is.

“Thank you information. We will study it,” said Aswin briefly when contacted, Wednesday (6/10/2021).

In his tweet, Fadli Zon criticized Narrative delivered by the Special Detachment (Densus) 88 Anti-terror Police related to terrorism in Indonesia. He even asked that Densus 88 be disbanded.

“This kind of narrative will not be believed. people again, smells Islamiphobic. The world has changed, it’s best if Detachment 88 is disbanded,”

chirped Fadli Zon on his Twitter account.

In the tweet, Fadli Zon also included a news item entitled ‘Densus 88 Claims of the Taliban Inspired Indonesian Terrorists’.

In his tweet, he said that terrorists must indeed be eradicated. However, he does not agree if terrorists are used as a commodity.

“Terrorists must be eradicated, but don’t make them a commodity,”

he tweeted.

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