Dentist reveals: This is how teeth stay healthy and beautiful longer

Brush your teeth at least twice a day, of course use dental floss and go to the dentist for regular checks. Most people are familiar with these basic rules of oral hygiene.

But not all people follow the recommendations: Because with correct oral hygiene, even adults still have a lot to learn and there is also a fear of unpopular visits to the dentist many people.

How important, however, the basics of thorough dental hygiene are and what is not good for the teeth at all, explains the Hamburg dentist Dr. Christian Graw in an interview with FIT FOR FUN.

Be careful when choosing toothpaste

Everyone wants beautiful, white teeth, as we know them from toothpaste advertising. As a result, many people use the products that promise this result full-bodied.

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However, when choosing toothpaste, this can have a negative impact on dental health in the long term. The reason for this: Toothpastes should clean the teeth well, protect them and also taste good.

An important selection criterion is the RDA value, the measure of the abrasion of hard tooth substances – i.e. tooth enamel , Dentin and the root.

“RDA values ​​that are too high can damage the tooth enamel over the long term,” warns Dr. Graw. Whitening pastes usually contain very high abrasion values ​​for whitening teeth. Therefore, in the long term: check the packaging and, if in doubt, keep your fingers off the tubes.

Which is the right toothbrush?

When it comes to choosing the best toothbrush, it must be said clearly: The one There is no universal answer here.

“The first question that always arises is: What is the situation in the mouth?”, explains the expert. “Depending on whether you are dealing with children, adults or seniors, a different brush model is required in order to be able to clean ideally.” Can adjust mouth and help with thorough hygiene. In general, Dr. Graw small brush heads with soft bristles of the same length.

“Extra long and fine bristles for the interdental spaces do not really bring any benefit – they are too thin and more likely to break off than to clean the interdental spaces. “

Correct handling is crucial

An electronic toothbrush is considered a sensible purchase – after all, thanks to the vibrations, it always cleans more effectively than conventional brushes, right? That doesn’t necessarily have to be the case!

“Correct handling is essential when cleaning. It is also difficult to clean with an electronic brush if you do not work thoroughly,” explains Dr . Graw.

“However, a study has shown that people with electronic models brush their teeth more thoroughly overall. An electronic brush is therefore generally recommended. ”

When purchasing, you do not necessarily have to choose the most expensive product. It is crucial that you are able to work with the model and work thoroughly.

Dr. Graw still ready: Toothbrushes with sound technologies such as the Philips Sonicare (from 42.99 euros at .

“Some of these models reach 60,000 vibrations per minute. You only get this number with a manual toothbrush every month. ”

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The technology makes the difference

However, the dentist emphasizes that a manual toothbrush with the right handling per se is not worse at the Care has to cut.

With both electronic and manual toothbrushes, this is achieved with the so-called bass technique, which everyone has already learned at the dentist:

    Apply the brush to the gums at a 45-degree angle

  • Apply light pressure
  • Pull the brush over the tooth

For all manual toothbrush users, Dr. Graw another tip: “Shake the brush head slightly while moving. This mimics the sound technology of electronic brushes in a certain way. ”

Very important: do not use too much force. “Excessive pressure can cause irreversible damage to teeth and gums,” says Graw.

Sugar is usually not the problem

When thinking about dental problems, sugar always comes to mind. Surprisingly, according to Dr. However, graw is not strictly prohibited.

“You are welcome to eat something sweet. However, it is important that you do not do this permanently, but only once a day. ”

The reason for this is simple: The sugar on the teeth is broken down by bacteria into acid. If acid regularly comes into contact with the teeth, this promotes the development of caries, as the tooth enamel is destroyed.

That is also the reason why you do not have any sugar for 30 minutes after brushing your teeth. or should eat acidic: After cleaning, the tooth enamel is particularly sensitive and vulnerable.

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Non-smokers have an advantage

Smoking is not only dangerous for the mouth, but for general health – everyone should be clear.

Smoking does not damage the teeth directly, but it does damage the gums considerably. “Smokers have a significantly higher risk of developing periodontitis,” warns Dr. Graw.

“In addition, all types of cancer that develop in the mouth and throat are very harmful and the chances of recovery are lower than with other types.” So better hands off the butt!

Saliva protects the teeth

On the other hand, you are welcome to access all foods that require thorough chewing – that is because it stimulates the production of saliva. Raw vegetables, crunchy fruit and whole grain products are ideal here.

“All things that stimulate the flow of saliva are good for oral health,” says the expert. “Because the saliva protects the teeth and also the gums.”

Trust is important

With the right dental care – this includes cleaning the interdental spaces – you can make a big contribution your oral health.

Even if going to the practice is not easy for everyone, the regular check-ups at the dentist should not be neglected.

” Dentists are there to listen to patients and to take their needs and concerns seriously, ”says Dr. Graw: “Depending on your needs, trust is of course very important.”

He advises anyone who feels uncomfortable: “Make an appointment for an oral hygiene consultation. And if you don’t feel well at the dentist, listen to your gut feeling and change your practice. “

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